Saturday, February 16, 2013

Las Noticias

Because of certain class projects that have been on my mind, I decided to look up the news in Spanish. I started out by just typing "las noticias" into Youtube, but I couldn't find exactly what I wanted. I eventually ended up on CNN and found a link for "CNN en Español." Here, I found an abundance of videos and news articles in my target language. One titled "El paso del asteroide por la Tierra" caught my eye. This article was about the asteroid that recently passed over the earth. 

Here's an excerpt:

“Existen muchos asteroides que estamos estudiando y que no hemos descartado que puedan impactar la Tierra, pero todos ellos tienen una probabilidad de impacto que es muy muy pequeña”, dijo Don Yeomans director de la Oficina del Programa de Objetos Cercanos a la Tierra en el Laboratorio de Propulsión de la NASA en una conferencia de prensa.
La NASA también informó que los observatorios de todo el mundo trabajan en estudiar este fenómeno en su paso cerca de la Tierra y que la noche de este viernes tendrán más información sobre la velocidad y tamaño del cuerpo.

I realized that although I did not know all of the words, I could understand most of it because I had prior knowledge of the event. Without this background information, the article would have been more difficult to read. I believe that if I were to use that discovery in teaching, I could easily show my students articles from the past, possibly even about major events, so that they could use their background knowledge to have a better understanding of what they are reading. 

El paso del asteroide por la Tierra

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